Friday, March 2, 2012

Ice Cream Explosion

Trying out Charlie's chocolate with rainbow sprinkles

The other night Zach and I decided to go to Twisters to get some ice cream (frozen custard to be exact).  When we got there Charlie decided he wanted an ice cream cone too.  Charlie really does not like sweets, with the exception of cupcakes no frosting, so we were surprised when he asked for ice cream.  Of course upon eating two bites of it, he was done.  

Pulling Zach's hand back when he tried to take the ice cream

Anna meanwhile was having a fit in the backseat at the fact that she did not have her own ice cream too.  Zach tried sharing his with her, but Anna was having none of it.  She wanted her own.  So Zach started giving her Charlie's cone.  At first he was holding the cone for her, but every time he tried to pull the cone away Anna would grab his hand and pull it back.  Finally we decided to just give her the cone and let her have at it.

We finally just let her have at it

Upon getting home we sure did have a mess!  Anna had ice cream everywhere.  She even managed to wreck her shirt because of all the ice cream she got on it.  But she was about as happy as I have seen her, so it was worth it.

As happy as she can be!  What a mess but totally worth it

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