Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day with Daddy

The other weekend Zach was on full Daddy duty.  Saturday I had some shopping and stuff that I had to get done during the day.  That evening we were going to head to the ballet, and being very pregnant I had nothing to wear.  So I spent the day looking for a dress to wear and had some other things I needed to get while I was out.  

The kids had such a blast with Zach.  He took them in the jogging stroller to the park where they played for a long time.  Then they stopped by the creek by our house on the way home to check things out.  When they got back they played in the backyard some more.  He did a great job in wearing them out.  They had the best time getting some alone time with Daddy without Mommy around.  Mommy enjoyed going shopping alone for once.  Here are some pictures Zach took of their day.  I think we need to do this more often... 

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