Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Break- LegoLand

Once again we spent Charlie's spring break down in Florida.  It was nice because this year it overlapped with my mom's break.  Usually he has to miss school for us to go down.  Most years Zach and I use this time to take a small vacation, just the two of us, and leave the kids with my parents.  This year, though, I was so pregnant and uncomfortable that we did not feel like going anywhere too far away.

Helping Mommy read the map

So we thought it might be nice to have a vacation with just Charlie for a couple days, and he could enjoy being like an only child before baby #3 arrives.  Our first stop on spring break was LegoLand.  It just opened recently in Florida, and we (Zach) had been wanting to check it out.  

Waiting in line at his first roller coaster

There they are!

Charlie's too small to see in this one, but you can see Zach waving

We flew down to Florida on Monday morning and headed to LegoLand the next day.  It was great!  It is obviously a LOT smaller than Disney, but there were tons of things for Charlie to do.  He could ride almost every ride there, and the wait times were just a few minutes.  Zach even got to take him on his first real roller coaster, which was so fun for both of them!

Getting sprayed on the Lego boat

Charlie won this unicorn all by himself at one of the games

LegoLand was the perfect way to start off our trip.  The crowds were really light, and it was so nice to just walk on the rides.  I couldn't do most of them being pregnant, but at least I didn't have to wait long while the guys were on rides.  The only bad part was the lack of shade while waiting.  All the rides had enclosed areas to wait in, but I was stuck in the sun a bit.  It was worth it, though, to see how much fun Charlie was having.    

Heading out

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