Monday, March 19, 2012

March 1 - Perfect Weather

Snack getting ready to play

I'm a little behind on our activities lately.  I didn't want to miss out on putting up pictures of March 1, though.  It actually made it up to 74 degrees!  It was fantastic weather, so I made sure to get the kids outside for a few hours to play.

We have a fantastic backyard.  It is huge with a great play set, lots of trees, and plenty of room to run.  The kids spent over an hour back there playing with everything.  They had such a blast chasing each other around and exploring.  Hard to believe that they were able to spend time out there without coats on.

I love our backyard

Another angle

Look at Anna's joyful face!  She was bouncing on the rocks and loving it

After wearing them out in the backyard, we decided to hit up the front of the house for a while.  Our front yard is not that big and on kind of a hill, so we didn't really play there much.  Instead we walked down the street for a bit.  Then we got out the sidewalk chalk, played basketball, and rode scooters.  Basically we used every outdoor toy we could find.

It was amazing weather, and I am so glad we are having an easy winter this year.  The kids have too much energy to be cooped up, so it has been great getting them out to burn some of their craziness off!  

Check out Charlie peeking over the side of the slide

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