Thursday, March 28, 2013

Disney in January Part I

Heading in to Disney

When we go down to Florida in January we have started taking Charlie and Anna to Disney.  Usually the crowds aren't too bad since it is between Christmas break and winter/spring breaks.  The weather is always decently warm for being January, too.  It ends up being a really enjoyable time.

New toys

The four of us

This year was no exception.  Disney was not very busy and although a little cool, not too bad.  The kids were super excited to get there and start exploring.  The first thing we did was get fast passes to see Mickey Mouse.  Anna was so excited!  It was the one thing she wanted to do.  Since we had thirty minutes to wait, we decided to go ahead and let them get a souvenir.  Then we wouldn't have to shop all day.  Charlie picked out a rather large Perry the Platypus and Anna went for a baby Mickey.

It's Mickey Mouse!

We went to see Mickey after that and weren't sure how it would go.  Last time Anna was not happy at all.  This time she was beside herself with joy.  Instead of having to hold her like before, she ran up to Mickey and happily took pictures.  Then it was on to the rides.   

Anna discovered a Rapunzel gloves and purse set.  She looked so darn cute I couldn't say no

Merry go round.  Never really a wait

Zo Bo got stuck at home but had a blast with Grandpa

Monday, March 25, 2013

First Nail Polish

Probably my favorite part of our trip to Florida was Anna discovering nail polish!  She wanted her fingers done first, and she felt soooo beautiful.  She kept saying she was big like Ava, one of her friends who is a year older.  It was so cute!  

Later she let me do her toes too.  I loved it.  The only hard part was convincing her to sit still while her nails dried.  She did her best, but there was a lot of repainting involved.  

Totally worth it! 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Heading to Florida

At the airport

If the kids want to bring toys, they have to roll their own bag.  Thanks for the suitcases Grandma and Grandpa!

Every January Zach has a conference in Miami.  It is the perfect time to ditch the cold and snow from KC and head down south.  Zach's work will pay for us to attend one work trip with him a year, so we always use it on this.  We head down to Florida and spend the week camped out with my parents enjoying the weather.

Worn out from the trip

The kids love to fly and get so excited when we tell them they get another plane ride.  They do so great playing with a new toy we pack for them and then promptly falling asleep.  Charlie and Anna are really easy to travel with since they do it so often.  Zoe actually sleeps a lot too, which is nice.

Charlie and Anna were so excited to see Grandma and Grandpa.  They ran up yelling with pure joy.  Zoe loves being held by them, too.

Sharing food

Great weather!

As soon as we got to Grandma and Grandpa's house, the kids settled right in and made themselves at home.  I think every toy there was out and played with in the first twenty minutes.  The kids also realized that although cold the pool was still fun.  They spent lots of time in there shivering and laughing!  

Zoe smiling for Grandpa at lunch

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Cutest PJ Day Ever!

They are the best!!!

Every year the kids' school does a pajama and teddy bear day.  The kids wear pjs to school and bring their bears to play with and cuddle while watching a movie.  Charlie and Anna love doing this.

Making a pouty face to be funny

This year the kids and I decided a theme would be a really fun way to go.  Since they love Toy Story, and we have all the pajamas, we decided to use those.

Grocery shopping on the way home.  Still in full costume and loving the attention

There is a lot of sassiness

Charlie went as Woody and Anna went as Buzz.  As a great addition, we put Zoe in her Jessie onesie.  According to her teachers, Anna spent all day running around yelling "I Buzz Lightyear!"  It was the cutest pj day ever! 

Sweetest baby ever!

Friday, March 22, 2013

January Kid Pictures

Fritz's, like most weekends

3D movies.  Can't remember which one, but do remember Anna yelling at Daddy for eating all her popcorn!

All three kids looking at the camera.  Amazing

Waiting for Jana to arrive

Love the nose and eye crinkle!

Charlie is "in to Legos" as he says

Me and my guy

Princess Leia for a day

Troublemaker already

Thursday, March 21, 2013

New Year's Eve

We decided to vacate KC for New Year's Eve and head to the lake.  We did it last year and had the best time.  It was so peaceful to get away from everything.  

Last year we had a few friends that also went down to the lake, which made it even more fun.  This year they all decided to stay in town, but we really wanted to get away.  Plus they were predicting a lot of snow for New Year's Eve, and we did not want to be out driving with that.

The lake ended up being the perfect choice.  There was lots of snow, and Zach spent New Year's Day outside with Charlie and Anna.  They built a snowman and fort.  Zoe stayed in her activity table by the door watching them.  She had a great time and stayed warm.

The kids really enjoyed all the time they got with Mommy and Daddy and were exhausted from being outside.  Zach and I liked the quiet time for a few days.  We plan on doing this every year if possible.