Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Christmas Day Morning

Time to get up?

He would have slept until 10 am if we let him

After the hoopla leading up to Christmas, we expected the kids to be beyond excited for Christmas Day.  They definitely were ... after we managed to get them out of bed!  Of course the day most kids are waking up at 4:00 am ours were still sound asleep at 8:00 am.  We ended up having to wake them up to start the day.

After getting Anna and Charlie out of bed we made them wait at the top of the stairs so we could see them come down.  This is a tradition Zach's family used to do, so he wanted to continue it with our kids.  They came down the stairs and into the dining room where our tree was.  Seeing their faces as the looked at the tree full of presents was priceless!

Whoa!  This is awesome!

We then wandered into the living room where the stockings were hanging.  They were so excited that Santa had their milk and cookies, and even more thrilled that Santa left them a note!  

New Lego set from Daddy

Charlie attacked Zach and smothered him with kisses.  He LOVED his Legos!

We took down the stockings, and Charlie could not believe he was getting all these presents at once.  He would have been completely content had we just stopped at the stockings.  All the little knick knacks in there made him so happy.

Thanks Uncle Jeff and Aunt Beth

Sweet Zoe just wanted to play with wrapping paper

Then we started on gifts with my parents and the three kids.  Everyone had a great time opening presents.  The kids wanted to open and play with each toy as they unwrapped it.  It took over an hour to open all the presents, and there were not that many!  

Princess headband

They just spent so long examining each one before moving on that we had to hurry them along a little.  It was great to see they loved each present so much.  We finished up gifts and then had to get ready to head over to Zach's parents' house to do Christmas there.

Supporting Aunt Beth's company

Princess outfit for Christmas.  She looked adorable!

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