Thursday, March 21, 2013

New Year's Eve

We decided to vacate KC for New Year's Eve and head to the lake.  We did it last year and had the best time.  It was so peaceful to get away from everything.  

Last year we had a few friends that also went down to the lake, which made it even more fun.  This year they all decided to stay in town, but we really wanted to get away.  Plus they were predicting a lot of snow for New Year's Eve, and we did not want to be out driving with that.

The lake ended up being the perfect choice.  There was lots of snow, and Zach spent New Year's Day outside with Charlie and Anna.  They built a snowman and fort.  Zoe stayed in her activity table by the door watching them.  She had a great time and stayed warm.

The kids really enjoyed all the time they got with Mommy and Daddy and were exhausted from being outside.  Zach and I liked the quiet time for a few days.  We plan on doing this every year if possible. 

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