Saturday, March 23, 2013

Cutest PJ Day Ever!

They are the best!!!

Every year the kids' school does a pajama and teddy bear day.  The kids wear pjs to school and bring their bears to play with and cuddle while watching a movie.  Charlie and Anna love doing this.

Making a pouty face to be funny

This year the kids and I decided a theme would be a really fun way to go.  Since they love Toy Story, and we have all the pajamas, we decided to use those.

Grocery shopping on the way home.  Still in full costume and loving the attention

There is a lot of sassiness

Charlie went as Woody and Anna went as Buzz.  As a great addition, we put Zoe in her Jessie onesie.  According to her teachers, Anna spent all day running around yelling "I Buzz Lightyear!"  It was the cutest pj day ever! 

Sweetest baby ever!

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