Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Rest of Christmas Day

Dressed up for Gigi's.  Thanks for the necklace Grandma!

Not long after opening gifts at home with my parents, it was time to head over to Zach's parents' house.  We had some food there and did presents with his parents and his sisters' families.  Charlie and Anna were super excited about the fact they were getting more toys and spending time with their cousins.

Cousin play time

Zoe with Aunt Erin

Anna cozied up to Uncle Adam for gift opening

The kids had some much fun playing with their cousins and running around the house.  It was hard to get them calm enough to do presents.  

Aunt Kelsey rocked it with Charlie's purple puppy!

We did not spend long with Zach's family because we had to head home for naps.  The kids were exhausted after such a long day.  


More naps

Plus, Zach's mom had orchestrated a big dinner with all relatives at her house that evening.  We headed over with my parents and met up with about 30 of Zach's relatives.  It was a great way to spend Christmas night!

Time to chill when the day ended

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