Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Christmas Eve

Grandpa is here!

Dinner at Jalapenos

This year for Christmas we decided to stay in KC.  Usually we head down to Florida since we did Thanksgiving here, but Zach's whole family was getting together and we did not want to miss it.  My parents were gracious enough to fly back up here and do another holiday in the cold!  

Showing my parents the lot where we are going to build our new house

Charlie in Grandpa's hat

Christmas Eve my family has a tradition of kids being able to open gift.  I have always loved thatOn Christmas Day there is almost too much stuff to enjoy anything, so it is nice to have gift the kids really play with and are excited about. 

Anna was so happy she couldn't stop moving!

They got to open their present from Grandma and Grandpa this year.  Charlie got a Hot Wheels race car track, Anna got bouncing Tigger, and Zoe got a stuffed animal.  Charlie was so excited about his cars, and they were his favorite gift of all Christmas.  Anna had been asking for bouncing Tigger for months, and she started jumping up and down when she opened it.  She loves to pretend she is bouncing Tigger and hops all over the house.

We had Zach's family over for dinner after doing the presents, and the kids had a blast showing off their new toys and hanging out with their cousins.  Then it was time to leave out milk and cookies for Santa, which the kids thought was so neat.  It was a really fun day! 

Dinner with cousins

Milk and cookies for Santa

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