Monday, March 18, 2013

First KU Game

Rock Chalk Jayhawk!  Zach is obviously a big KU fan.  He went there for both undergrad and med school.  Then he did his residency at KU Med and is now working there as staff.  Needless to say KU has his heart.

I had only been to see one game at the highly revered Allen Fieldhouse.  It seems to hold a magical, almost untouchable quality for those devout KU students.  It is much smaller than one would expect, but it definitely can hold a lot of school spirit!

Hi mascot!

Pouting that the mascot didn't see her

We had the opportunity to purchase 2 or 4 tickets from a friend of ours for a game this winter.  Zach and I definitely wanted to go back to see another game.  Zach thought this would be a great time to bring our oldest two to see a game as well.  So we picked up 4 tickets and took Charlie and Anna.

Both Charlie and Anna were so excited in the days leading up to the game.  It's all they talked about.  That morning they were thrilled to pick out Jayhawk gear to wear.  All day they asked when we were going and bounded into the car that evening to make the 45 min drive out to Lawrence.

When we got there the kids had a great time checking out all the souvenir and food stands lining the walls.  We found our seats, and then Zach took Anna to the bathroom and picked up some snacks.  The seats were actually benches, and we were slightly crammed in.  Didn't matter to the kids, though.  They danced and cheered and yelled out to Baby Jay (the little mascot).  Anna especially loved seeing all the action.

New shirt and hat

Posing for me and cracking everyone up

Souvenirs make any trip worthwhile

The stadium was super hot, so the kids got some new shirts and hats to wear.  That made them almost as excited as the game!  They had a blast and were thoroughly worn out on the drive home.  I'm so glad we got the chance to take them to their first game and start their lifelong devotion to KU.    

Great memories

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