Sunday, March 24, 2013

Heading to Florida

At the airport

If the kids want to bring toys, they have to roll their own bag.  Thanks for the suitcases Grandma and Grandpa!

Every January Zach has a conference in Miami.  It is the perfect time to ditch the cold and snow from KC and head down south.  Zach's work will pay for us to attend one work trip with him a year, so we always use it on this.  We head down to Florida and spend the week camped out with my parents enjoying the weather.

Worn out from the trip

The kids love to fly and get so excited when we tell them they get another plane ride.  They do so great playing with a new toy we pack for them and then promptly falling asleep.  Charlie and Anna are really easy to travel with since they do it so often.  Zoe actually sleeps a lot too, which is nice.

Charlie and Anna were so excited to see Grandma and Grandpa.  They ran up yelling with pure joy.  Zoe loves being held by them, too.

Sharing food

Great weather!

As soon as we got to Grandma and Grandpa's house, the kids settled right in and made themselves at home.  I think every toy there was out and played with in the first twenty minutes.  The kids also realized that although cold the pool was still fun.  They spent lots of time in there shivering and laughing!  

Zoe smiling for Grandpa at lunch

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