Friday, December 2, 2011

Thanksgiving Part 2 11/25/11

Friday morning Jeff took off at 5:45 am.  He was driving to Columbus Ohio to move in with his fiancee Beth.  Since he had about 10 or 11 hours of driving ahead of him, he really wanted to get on the road.  Zach of course got paged to go into work that morning, so he had to leave us bright and early.  My parents and I decided to take the kids to the choo choo restaurant (aka Fritz's) for breakfast.  We got there around 10:30 and took our time eating.  As a pleasant surprise Zach finished up at work quickly and managed to meet us there as we were finishing up.  So we stayed a little longer to let him eat before heading back home.

Grandpa teaching Anna how to blow straw wrappers

Anna showing that no instruction is necessary!

That afternoon we decided to be crazy and brave the Black Friday crowds.  Since we headed out around 2 pm we figured the crowds would probably have died down a little bit.  Zach and my dad took the kids to the mall to ride the carousel and play for a little bit while my mom went to the Toys R Us across the street.  Toys R Us was pretty busy, but they had everything in stock, and there were no lines to get checked out.  We managed to get all the kids' gifts done and then swung by the mall and picked up the others.  All of us quickly ran in to Target on the way home for a few things, and that was no busier than I expected.  We had a pretty good experience shopping on Black Friday since we waited until later.  

Grandma and Charlie - best buddies

Saturday we had to get up and get going since my parents were flying back home.  We left for the airport at 10 am and were back home around noon.  It was so sad having them leave but at least we see them in 3 weeks for Christmas.  I had the start of a cold coming on, so I laid down as soon as we got home.  Zach got called back in to work not long after I shut my eyes.  Luckily we had arranged for a babysitter for Sat afternoon/evening so we could run errands and see a movie, so she got there about 30 min after Zach left.  I went back up to lay down for a while and then worked on a few things upstairs.  Zach ended up being at work about 4 hours and got out exactly in time for us to see The Descendents as planned.  We both found the movie really slow despite the good reviews.  However, we had gone to Fork & Screen, so we got dinner during the movie, which we love doing.

Sunday Zach and his dad fixed the insulation in our attic.  We had a really bad squirrel problem a few months ago, and they did major damage.  The squirrels started wrecking our brand new roof, stripped wires in the attic, and ruined our insulation.  Luckily Zach and his dad were able to fix it all themselves.

Busy Thanksgiving weekend, but it was so wonderful to see all our family that could make it.

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