Saturday, January 28, 2012

Can't Beat Florida in January

Kickball time

Daddy biking the kids around while my dad walks the dogs

It was perfect weather yet again while we were visiting my parents down in Florida last week.  Shorts and tee shirts and flip flops were heavenly!  We spent as much time outside as we could with the kids.  This included biking, roller skating, kickball, and more.  They had a blast getting to be outside so much.

Charlie and Anna trying out the bikes.

Anna wanted a helmet like Charlie's, so she is wearing my dad's

Roller skating
Anna was so happy to have a helmet of her own!

On the bike trailer to the park

We spent so much time outside that we decided to get Charlie a little scooter since he kept asking for one.  It was a huge hit with him!  Anna loved standing on it but couldn't quite get it going yet.  Charlie was more than happy to help, which led to some near head injuries since he just yanked the scooter with her on it.  We went out the next day and got Anna her own helmet!

Best scooter out there for little kids since it has 2 wheels up front for stability

Right before Anna flew off!  Bought her helmet the next morning

The kids also love helping Grandpa walk the dogs.  My parents have wonderfully agreed to watch our dog Pepe for a while.  He was getting a little agitated around the kids and with #3 on the way, we needed a break for a while.  So now my parents have two dogs to walk.  Charlie and Anna love going along in the stroller or scooter and "helping" Grandpa. 

Always wearing her "eyes"

Going for a ride while she helps with the dogs

I'm sure Grandpa appreciated Anna walking Molly for him

The highlight is always going to the park, though.  The kids love chasing each other and going down the slide.  It is even better when Grandma and Grandpa come to help chase them around.  

Anna and Grandma at the park

Charlie loves to slide

Grandpa and the kids at the swings

My dad with the kids

Always a race to be first

The only downside of the trip for Charlie was the fact that it was just too cold for the pool.  He tried to convince Zach is wasn't too bad, but Zach wasn't buying it.  Charlie is just going to have to hold off until our visit in March for any pool time.

"It's not that cold Daddy!"

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Back to Florida

Up early and ready to fly

We headed back to Florida a mere two weeks after returning home from there.  Zach actually had a work conference in Miami for a few days this time.  So we went down for about 9 days, and he did his conference in the middle of the trip.  This conference is held every year, and normally we can't wait to escape the awful KC weather in January, but this year has been pretty mild.  It was still nice to get back to visiting Grandma and Grandpa, and enjoying some shorts weather.

At the airport with Daddy

The kids love being in charge of turning in their tickets

For this trip we got Anna her own seat on the flight.  She loved that!  It was nice giving us a little extra room to stretch out and move around instead of having her on our lap.  She did really good on the flight and only fussed a little when her ears were bothering her.  Overall, for being just a year and a half, she is a great flier. 

Charlie was thrilled to get a window seat

If Charlie is going to look out the window then so is Anna!

Both kids asleep!  Didn't last long, but we will take even 10 min of silence

Charlie and Anna getting a ride through Tampa airport

Once we got to my parents, we wasted no time in having breakfast at our favorite restaurant, The Pancake Place as we call it.  The portion sizes there are out of control.  Most orders can last for multiple meals.  The pancakes are literally as big as your face.

Charlie loves his Grandma

Anna's impish grin after stealing some food from Grandpa

This time The Pancake Place was so fun because Anna figured out she was really funny when she stole food off Grandpa's plate.  We would look over, and she would be sneaking handfuls of egg and ham right of his plate and stuffing them in her mouth.  Then she laugh and laugh to get attention.  Anna is getting to be just as funny as her big brother, and it is awesome to see.

Caught you!

We also enjoyed a ton of time outdoors and a day at Disney.  More to come on those later.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Winter Arrived

Wednesday before we headed to Florida winter hit KC.  The kids had pj day at school, and it was in the high 50s when I picked them up at noon.  By 3:00, when I went back out to pick up Charlie, the temperature had dropped by 20 degrees.  Brrr!  Luckily the snow held off until about 9:00 pm so Zach made it home from work with no trouble.  

Zach pulling Charlie in the driveway when the snow had just started

Getting a little cold at this point

By the time it really got to be snowing Anna was out cold in her room, so Zach took Charlie out for a little sledding in the driveway.  Charlie had a great time until he realized he couldn't really feel his fingers.  Then he just wanted to come in and sit in front of the space heater.  

Anna checking out the snow when she first woke up

She couldn't get enough of staring at it!

Thursday morning the snow continued briefly.  Anna was mesmerized and stared out the windows at it.  She tried touching it but thought it was too cold.  That was fine with me since I'm more of a warm weather kind of person anyway.
Checking out the snow at another window

Charlie finally woke up and joined her

The snow stopped around mid morning, which was good since I had to take Charlie to school and Anna to the doctor.  It was the first time I had driven in the snow in my new van, so I was glad not to have really bad roads.  The weather improved over the next day, but we weren't too worried since we knew that early Sat we were on our way to sunny Florida!

The looked out the window for about 20 min straight

Side note- Anna's doctor visit went great.  Found out she is 90th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference.  Very solid (and super cute) little girl we have got!

Anna's stats.  Not sure why it loaded sideways

Pajama Day Again

Brushing teeth as we get ready for school.  Both kids weirdly love to brush

Last month Charlie's afternoon school had PJs and Pancakes Day at school, which he loved.  This month it was the morning school.  Since Anna goes there too, both kids got to wear pajamas to school.  It was great not having to figure out what to dress them in for the cold weather, but they needed warmer pjs than they wore to bed, so I still had to get them dressed that morning.

Pajamas and bears.  Check and check.

Charlie and bear having lunch

Anna and her friend getting ready for nap time

Charlie was a little disappointed that there were not going to be pancakes at this school, but he was excited to find out that he got to bring a stuffed bear to spend the day with him.  The kids had their normal day at school but got to watch a movie at the end of the day, which they thought was so cool.  It was really cute seeing the school full of little kids all in pjs for the day.

She is so cute!

My handsome guy had to change clothes before going to his afternoon school

The last day of our nice weather before winter tried to come

Sunday, January 22, 2012

No Posts in a While

I have not skipped on posting for lack of material around here!  My computer has broken down, so it is at Best Buy being repaired which takes a while.  I'm hoping to have it back in the next few days.  Also, we snuck in another trip back to Florida and just got home tonight.  It was a wonderful time!  I'll be sure to start back up with stuff about the kids any day now, as soon as my computer comes home.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Charlie's Dinner Party

Charlie and Hattie watching a movie

We have lots of friends with kids around our kids' ages.  The other night we had two of those families over: the Helveys and the Brunes.  The Helveys have two girls aged 3 and almost 2.  The Brunes have two boys aged 3 and 1.  Charlie was so excited to have so many friends over.  The excitement was almost too much for Anna!  She stayed up for about an hour and then crashed for the night.  It was a lot of fun to see the kids playing and eating together.

Anna trying to sneak up to the adult table

Trying to get the kids to sit

Success!  Cutest dinner party ever

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's January?? Really??

I can't believe we are playing outside in 50 degree weather in Jan

Out back on the play set

The weather this winter has been amazing.  It is January, and we have been in the high fifties, with lots of sunshine and little wind.  I have been trying to get the kids outside to play most afternoons.  They love being out there running around and playing on the swing set.  It's crazy how nice it has been outside lately.

Anna can actually somewhat play soccer with us now.  She's a pretty good kicker already

Unfortunately, it looks like our good weather may be coming to an end shortly.  Tonight it should start turning to actual winter with snow.  The one plus side for us is that Saturday we head back to Florida!