Thursday, January 26, 2012

Back to Florida

Up early and ready to fly

We headed back to Florida a mere two weeks after returning home from there.  Zach actually had a work conference in Miami for a few days this time.  So we went down for about 9 days, and he did his conference in the middle of the trip.  This conference is held every year, and normally we can't wait to escape the awful KC weather in January, but this year has been pretty mild.  It was still nice to get back to visiting Grandma and Grandpa, and enjoying some shorts weather.

At the airport with Daddy

The kids love being in charge of turning in their tickets

For this trip we got Anna her own seat on the flight.  She loved that!  It was nice giving us a little extra room to stretch out and move around instead of having her on our lap.  She did really good on the flight and only fussed a little when her ears were bothering her.  Overall, for being just a year and a half, she is a great flier. 

Charlie was thrilled to get a window seat

If Charlie is going to look out the window then so is Anna!

Both kids asleep!  Didn't last long, but we will take even 10 min of silence

Charlie and Anna getting a ride through Tampa airport

Once we got to my parents, we wasted no time in having breakfast at our favorite restaurant, The Pancake Place as we call it.  The portion sizes there are out of control.  Most orders can last for multiple meals.  The pancakes are literally as big as your face.

Charlie loves his Grandma

Anna's impish grin after stealing some food from Grandpa

This time The Pancake Place was so fun because Anna figured out she was really funny when she stole food off Grandpa's plate.  We would look over, and she would be sneaking handfuls of egg and ham right of his plate and stuffing them in her mouth.  Then she laugh and laugh to get attention.  Anna is getting to be just as funny as her big brother, and it is awesome to see.

Caught you!

We also enjoyed a ton of time outdoors and a day at Disney.  More to come on those later.

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