Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas with Family

Christmas Eve my brother Jeff and his fiancee Beth flew down to Florida to join the family.  It works out really well since Beth's parents live just 30 minutes from my parents.  We spent Christmas Eve just hanging out with them and enjoying time with my parents.  Charlie really loved the end of the night when he got to put out milk and cookies for Santa too.

Charlie did not quite understand how exciting Christmas Day was going to be.  We had to wake him up finally

Santa came!  He drank the milk and ate the cookies

Christmas came and Anna of course was the first one up.  Luckily the tree was in a living room that she couldn't see, so we blocked her off from that area.  Anna is a total present fiend and will rip open anything she can get her hands on!  Charlie slept in on the other hand.  About 8:00 I finally got him up so we could start the celebrating.  

Awesome shark towel from Uncle Jeff

Turtle towel from Uncle Jeff

Castle building blocks from Aunt K

The kids loved all their gifts from us, my parents, my siblings, Santa, and of course Thomas elf.  Each thing they unwrapped they wanted to open and play with.  It took forever just to get through stockings!  Finally we had to move them along a little with the gifts under the tree and explain that they could try them all out later.  

A new baby doll from Grandma and Grandpa

Superhero stuff!  Somebody is moving on from his Thomas the train obsession

Christmas with the kids is so much fun!  It really puts the magic back in the day.  They are so happy and excited about everything.  They had a great time trying out their toys and spent the afternoon with Grandma while my dad, Zach, Jeff, and I did our traditional Christmas Day movie that my family has been doing for over 20 years.

A new bike for Charlie from Mommy and Daddy

Saying thanks to Santa at Christmas morning breakfast

Trying to wait patiently for more gifts to open

Later that evening my mom's parents, her sister, Beth, and Beth's parents all came over for dinner.  We did more gifts and ate and hung out for the rest of the evening.  It really was a fun Christmas!

New superhero toys for Charlie

Grandma and Grandpa Schutt trying to play Candy Land according to Charlie's rules

They got a 3D book from Aunt Debra.  They thought the glasses were great!

Grandpa Schutt watching tv with Charlie

Grandma Schutt and Aunt Debra

Grandma Schutt and Anna playing dollhouse

Totally exhausted after such a busy day!

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