Wednesday, January 11, 2012

IHOP and Lego Table

IHOP for brunch

She has to do whatever her big brother is doing

Sunday morning we decided to hit up IHOP for brunch since we did not have much to do.  Luckily the wait was not too long since the kids were getting hungry.  They had a great time eating pancakes, ham, and some eggs.   Both of them really loved Daddy that morning, so I got some quiet time on my side of the booth while they badgered Zach.

Charlie loves his Daddy

Me and my girl

That afternoon we went to Toys R Us and got the kids a Lego table.  We have the large Legos (Duplos) all over the house.  We try to keep them in a big bin in our living room for the kids to build with, but mostly Anna just pulls them out and throws them everywhere.  The Duplos were getting to be such a pain since the kids weren't really using them too much.

Getting the table set up

The kids just love it

Anna plays with it as soon as she gets up in the morning

So, we thought getting a table for them would help a lot.  We found one at the toy store with two drawers on the sides, so the kids each can have their own supply of the Legos.  It came with two chairs also.  The table isn't all that big, but it works well enough.  Now instead of throwing the Legos all over, the kids actually sit and build with them.  Anna is really loving the table, and I catch her over there all day long.  Hopefully their enthusiasm keeps up and it doesn't just become one big mess again.

Daddy helps Charlie get his designs built

I told Anna it was nap time, and she waved her hand at me!  She wanted to play at her new table instead.  She is one sassy girl 

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