Saturday, January 28, 2012

Can't Beat Florida in January

Kickball time

Daddy biking the kids around while my dad walks the dogs

It was perfect weather yet again while we were visiting my parents down in Florida last week.  Shorts and tee shirts and flip flops were heavenly!  We spent as much time outside as we could with the kids.  This included biking, roller skating, kickball, and more.  They had a blast getting to be outside so much.

Charlie and Anna trying out the bikes.

Anna wanted a helmet like Charlie's, so she is wearing my dad's

Roller skating
Anna was so happy to have a helmet of her own!

On the bike trailer to the park

We spent so much time outside that we decided to get Charlie a little scooter since he kept asking for one.  It was a huge hit with him!  Anna loved standing on it but couldn't quite get it going yet.  Charlie was more than happy to help, which led to some near head injuries since he just yanked the scooter with her on it.  We went out the next day and got Anna her own helmet!

Best scooter out there for little kids since it has 2 wheels up front for stability

Right before Anna flew off!  Bought her helmet the next morning

The kids also love helping Grandpa walk the dogs.  My parents have wonderfully agreed to watch our dog Pepe for a while.  He was getting a little agitated around the kids and with #3 on the way, we needed a break for a while.  So now my parents have two dogs to walk.  Charlie and Anna love going along in the stroller or scooter and "helping" Grandpa. 

Always wearing her "eyes"

Going for a ride while she helps with the dogs

I'm sure Grandpa appreciated Anna walking Molly for him

The highlight is always going to the park, though.  The kids love chasing each other and going down the slide.  It is even better when Grandma and Grandpa come to help chase them around.  

Anna and Grandma at the park

Charlie loves to slide

Grandpa and the kids at the swings

My dad with the kids

Always a race to be first

The only downside of the trip for Charlie was the fact that it was just too cold for the pool.  He tried to convince Zach is wasn't too bad, but Zach wasn't buying it.  Charlie is just going to have to hold off until our visit in March for any pool time.

"It's not that cold Daddy!"

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