Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Florida Trip in Pictures

Here are some of my favorite pictures from our trip that did not make it in previous posts.  We love getting photos of the kids and always end up with way too many!

Always need your "eyes" in sunny Florida

Grandpa reading Charlie his new book from Great Grandma and Grandpa Schutt

Grocery shopping for Christmas dinner

Anna wanted to be in the pool at all times
Chipmunk movie!  Charlie loved it except for the volcano scene at the end.  Then the poor guy cried to go home

Someone discovered her tongue!  She sticks it out on command now

Charlie was so pleased that he got to help pick out and decorate my parents real tree
On the "train" at the Florida airport heading towards the plane

Flying Charlie!!  Why can't KC airport put in a play area??

Watching our plane land and getting ready to leave

We were sad to leave my parents, but at least KC has been relatively warm this year.  Plus, we return to Florida again in January for 9 days! 

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