Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wii Time

We decided for Christmas to get my parents a Wii.  It served a dual purpose: they really wanted one to have for everyone to play, and it gave us something to do at night that was free.  Normally in the evenings we try to find something to do, and that invariably costs money.  We either go out to dinner or go see a movie or play mini golf.  Those are all fun, but it can get expensive over a nine day vacation.  (No, I don't ask my parents if they would prefer if our visits were shorter!)

My dad and Zach showing Charlie what to do

Charlie got the Wii figured out almost immediately

So this year we decided to go for a Wii.  It was great!  We gave it to them early since we were leaving the day after Christmas and wanted a chance to try it out.  We ended up using it every night.  Charlie had no trouble playing some of the games and really liked trying to figure out the harder ones.  Anna spent much of the time carrying around a controller and thinking she was playing.  Only problem was trying to figure out where she hid them!

Anna concentrating so hard.  She thinks she is bowling

Charlie making fun of Zach playing

My mom was enjoying it too

We had the best time watching the kids with the Wii.  Charlie kept yelling things like "Oh I missed!" "Good job Grandma!" or "You did it Grandpa!"  He felt like such a big kid playing with us.  We laughed so hard listening to him cheering everyone on.

Zach made us all Avatars.  This is me, my mom, and Charlie

Anna just loved "playing" with us

Charlie making fun of Uncle Jeff

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