Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Winter Arrived

Wednesday before we headed to Florida winter hit KC.  The kids had pj day at school, and it was in the high 50s when I picked them up at noon.  By 3:00, when I went back out to pick up Charlie, the temperature had dropped by 20 degrees.  Brrr!  Luckily the snow held off until about 9:00 pm so Zach made it home from work with no trouble.  

Zach pulling Charlie in the driveway when the snow had just started

Getting a little cold at this point

By the time it really got to be snowing Anna was out cold in her room, so Zach took Charlie out for a little sledding in the driveway.  Charlie had a great time until he realized he couldn't really feel his fingers.  Then he just wanted to come in and sit in front of the space heater.  

Anna checking out the snow when she first woke up

She couldn't get enough of staring at it!

Thursday morning the snow continued briefly.  Anna was mesmerized and stared out the windows at it.  She tried touching it but thought it was too cold.  That was fine with me since I'm more of a warm weather kind of person anyway.
Checking out the snow at another window

Charlie finally woke up and joined her

The snow stopped around mid morning, which was good since I had to take Charlie to school and Anna to the doctor.  It was the first time I had driven in the snow in my new van, so I was glad not to have really bad roads.  The weather improved over the next day, but we weren't too worried since we knew that early Sat we were on our way to sunny Florida!

The looked out the window for about 20 min straight

Side note- Anna's doctor visit went great.  Found out she is 90th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference.  Very solid (and super cute) little girl we have got!

Anna's stats.  Not sure why it loaded sideways

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