Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Afternoon with Anna

Thursday Anna and I got the chance to spend the afternoon together doing errands, and it was great.  Normally she naps while Charlie is at school in afternoon or we are at home getting stuff done.  That day Anna had taken an early nap, so I thought it would be a good chance to go do a few things after dropping off Charlie.  Now that she is 18 months, she is getting to be a lot of fun to spend time with.  

Charlie getting ready for school

Big girl in the booth

We left Charlie at school and headed to Chick fil A for lunch.  Normally I have her sit in the high chair to make things easier, but this time I let her sit in the booth with me.  She was so pleased!  She chowed down on her chicken nuggets, fries, and water then started clamoring to go in the play area.  There were a few older kids playing, so luckily she didn't want to stay long.

Playing peek a boo!

Then we were off to Destination Maternity because I needed a few things.  They have a kids play area blocked off in the middle of the store, which is great.  I was the only person shopping, so I dropped Anna in there while I looked around.  It is really nice that you can see the area from anywhere in the store.  Anna had a great time playing until she realized she was tall enough to get over the side and escape.  (I should have been prepared since she also realized that morning that she can get a leg over the side of the pack n play and almost flip out.)  

Playing at Destination Maternity

Look Mom, I can get out all by myself!

That put an end to our shopping trip, and we headed home.  Anna loved helping with the mail and then enjoyed a snack while I did dishes.  It was a fun day with my best girl!

Helping with the mail

Snack and cartoons
As great as our day was, Anna was happiest when we picked up Charlie.  We love watching them being best friends!

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