Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day of Disney

Me, Anna and Charlie right after getting to Disney

When we were at my parents in January, we decided to take a day and shoot up to Disney World.  We had a free day with nothing planned, and it was only about an hour and a half drive away.  We thought since we were only going for the day we would take both kids with us and see how it went.  Anna being only 1 was still free, so that was an added incentive to give it a shot.

Anna ready for some fun

We got there a little before lunch time and immediately did the fast pass to meet the princesses and Mickey and Minnie Mouse.  Then we walked around Main St for a few minutes and got the kids each a toy before we went back to meet all the characters.  Charlie's favorite princess is Cinderella, so he was thrilled that we got to meet her, Belle, and Aurora.  Belle even gave him a kiss!

Charlie meeting Sleeping Beauty

Charlie and Anna with Aurora

Meeting Belle

Anna did pretty good with the princesses too.  She was a little confused by what was going on but liked seeing them.  She was really over it by the time we met Mickey and Minnie though.  It was just too many characters too fast.  Charlie loved seeing everyone though.

Charlie told Cinderella "You my favorite princess!"

Charlie was so happy to see Minnie and Mickey

After that it was a quick lunch at the Space Cafe or whatever it is called.  Then on to rides!  We did It's a Small World, Winnie the Pooh, the merry go round, a few other things before the kids started getting tired. 

Charlie was too excited to eat much, but Anna chowed down

It's a Small World

Charlie, Anna and Daddy on the merry go round

Then it was time for the People Mover.  It's like riding the monorail, and the kids think it's the best.  We ended up riding it about 4 times in a row.  Anna fell asleep the first time through, so we would just get off and get back on without waking her up.  She ended up getting about a half hour nap in, which was perfect.

Anna was so excited when the horses started up

Clapping with Daddy on the People Mover

Moments before Anna is out

We grabbed a snack after that and then hit up a few more rides.  The kids really liked the Buzz Lightyear video game ride.  We capped off the night with Aladdin's Magic Carpet.  Even though we had planned on only staying until around 3:00, it was closer to 7:00 by the time we headed out.  

Me and Charlie on Aladdin

It's a Small World.  She was mesmerized

Me and Charlie on the People Mover.  At least our third time around

Our last ride of the day.  Kids were doing great, but we were fading fast!

Anna was perfect for going for just the day.  Charlie had such a blast, that Zach and I are going to take him back alone for a couple of days in March.  It was so wonderful to see the joy on the kids' faces all day!

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