Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Performance 12/7/11

Hi Mommy!!!

Charlie had his first Christmas performance at school last week.  It was basically all the preschool kids getting up on stage and singing some Christmas carols.  They had been practicing for weeks, and Charlie was so excited to be part of it.  I had gotten horribly sick the night before and was feeling awful that morning.  I literally could not get out of bed, so Zach was thankfully able to go in late and take the kids to school.  I never ask him to do that, so he knew it was bad!  

Making donkey noises

By lunchtime I was starting to feel human again and knew Charlie had his performance at 12:45.  I almost had to skip it but managed to get myself there just before the kids came in the auditorium.  I am so glad I made it!  The minute Charlie walked in he started looking all over to see if Zach or I were there.  When he saw me, he stopped walking and yelled "Mommy!" and waved enthusiastically.  It made me so happy to see him that proud!  It was especially cute to see him with his self made donkey headband on.  (The kids were all dressed up as animals from the manger.)  

He made the headpiece himself at school

The kids then went on stage and sang various songs for another 30-45 minutes.  Afterward school was done, and we went and got cupcakes to celebrate.  Anna was very excited to try out a cupcake again.  Her last one was on her birthday, and she was not really a fan.  Needless to say she enjoyed it much more this time!

Cupcakes and cartoons to celebrate a great school performance

Anna made me move her from the highchair to her couch when she saw Charlie.  Really enjoying all that sugar!

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