Friday, December 9, 2011


Leaving morning school

As I have mentioned before, both Charlie and Anna are in school.  They both attend a local church on Mon and Wed from 9-12.  Charlie also goes to an afternoon school Mon-Thurs from 12:30-3:20.  Sounds like a lot of school, right?  They love it! 

Charlie trying to hold Anna's hand as they leave school.  She thinks she is so cool

Charlie started last year just doing his morning one because he needed the interaction with other kids.  He has a lot of energy to burn off.  About that time we realized his speech was way behind for his age, and his pediatrician recommended putting him in a more structured preschool.  So Charlie started at the local elementary school in the afternoons.  However, he absolutely loved his morning classes and did not want to stop, so we let him continue those.  Charlie is so happy going to school all day.  He has tons of friends and adores his teachers.  We ask him regularly if it is too much, but he insists that he wants to keep going. His speech has now improved by leaps and bounds.  Despite all the school, he still remains slightly behind, but we are so proud of all his hard work.

Chowing down at lunch

Because of Charlie's speech delay, we wanted to make sure Anna did not have the same issues.  So we decided to send her to Mother's Day Out for two mornings a week to be around other kids her age.  She really likes going there, too.  They do all kinds of crafts that I would never think of since I am horribly uncrafty!  They finger paint almost every day and do all sorts of fun things.  Anna really is enjoying being part of the class, and it is so cute watching her make friends. 

Anna loves being a big kid like Charlie

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