Friday, December 9, 2011

Top of the Tree

At my parents' house, I always put the angel on the top of the tree with my dad's help.  When I was little, he would lift me up to do it.  Now he just kind of assists me since I am getting a little big to be lifted!  It was a fun tradition that I always loved, so we decided to continue it with Charlie since he was our oldest.

That has worked out fine for 3 years, but this year Anna is on to us.  Why does he get to do something fun and special with Daddy and not her?  She was not amused.

So, we put the star on top of the tree twice so each one could get a turn.  I'm sure one of them will outgrow wanting to do it soon enough, but it is fun to see them helping Daddy with the tree for now.

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