Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Travel to Florida 12/17/11

The kids have flown a lot.  And by a lot I mean a LOT.  Charlie typically earns enough miles each year to get a free ticket.  We love to travel, although in the years since having kids, our trips consist mostly of going down to Florida.  My parents live about an hour south of Tampa.  A very ideal place for visiting!  Great weather all year, free babysitting, and food/lodging at no charge.  We take advantage of this as much as possible.  Since Zach was not on call for Christmas, we decided to head down to see my parents for about 9 days.  The kids were very excited to fly.  Charlie loves going on airplanes and was thrilled for weeks knowing that we would be going.  Anna did not quite understand what was going on, but if Charlie is happy she is happy.
Anna waking up early to head to the airport
We got to the airport with a little too much time to pass (we weren't sure how the crowds would be before Christmas) and so we let the kids get a small toy from the newsstand while we waited.  Charlie picked out a toy airplane, so of course Anna wanted one too.  Those worked out pretty good in keeping the kids occupied during the 90+ minutes we had to wait.  When we got to security, Charlie knew exactly what to do.  He took his coat off and put his bag up on the x-ray machine line.  He started taking his shoes off like usual, but apparently just recently they have decided not to make kids do that anymore.  That was really nice.  Very difficult to juggle kids, bags, coats, etc. and them getting shoes on and off.
Racing to the plane
After waiting we finally got to board the plane.  Both kids were jumping up and down and trying to run to the jet way.  It was so hard for them to wait.  When it was finally our turn, they almost took out another family in the excitement to get going.  Anna ran full speed to the plane.  Unfortunately, the excitement for her wore off about the time we took off and she realized that she did not get her own seat.  She was not pleased!  Overall, though, she did a pretty good job.  She was a little more fussy than usual since we were flying over nap time but was not nearly as noisy as the kid two rows in front of us that screamed "ROAR" at the lady sitting behind him for most of the flight.  
Anna sitting in my seat for a few minutes.  She is thoroughly ticked not to get her own seat like Charlie
All was worth while when we arrived in Tampa to see Grandpa waiting.  The kids were yelling and running to get to him as fast as possible.  Anna even stopped briefly to take her pacifier out of her mouth so she could cheer when she saw him!

It's Grandpa!
At Grandma and Grandpa's house!  The kids favorite thing to do is to go on walks with my parents

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