Thursday, December 29, 2011

Florida! 12/17/11

Checking out the pool
We made it to Florida, and the kids were so happy to see Grandma and Grandpa.  It's nice that they love coming here so much.  Almost immediately they wanted to hit the pool on my parents' lanai.  Yes, it is December.  No, the pool is not heated.  Not a problem for these two.  Charlie goes in and even likes to dunk his head!  Anna does whatever Charlie does, so she promptly got in too.  Thankfully Zach is willing to be the parental supervisor because there is no way I'm going near that cold water.  The kids mostly just sit on the side and stick their legs in and play, so at least Zach doesn't have to get fully submerged.  Sometimes they even get a warm towel to wrap up in after going in the frigid water.  That's the best!
They went in but didn't stay long.  Was more fun to play on the side where it wasn't so cold

Thanks for the warm towel Grandpa!!
Monday morning Zach and my dad left us to head back to KC.  Since baby #3 is on the way, I have decided to go to the other side and succumb to the convenience of a minivan.  Honda Odyssey here I come!  I picked it up the day after we left Florida.  That left us with my Honda Pilot SUV that we no longer needed.  My parents decided to sell my dad's little sports car and get my Pilot.  So Zach and dad did a road trip and drove the car down.  That left mom and I will the kids.  It was good except for the fact that the interior of the house was being painted during this time.  Since neither mom nor I were willing to take the kids in the pool (seriously, it's COLD) we had to be creative on things to do.  Luckily the kids were great, and the paint dried super fast.

New minivan!  Don't care if it is totally dorky.  The convenience of all the features is awesome!

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