Monday, December 12, 2011

Pigtails, Pictures, and Pool 12/11/11

Look at those crazy pigtails!  The curls make her hair go every direction

Sunday was a pretty busy day for us.  It was really nice because Zach had the day off, so we decided it would be good to try and get some stuff done.   We did a few things around the house in the morning and let Anna get a nap in.  Then we headed out for lunch.  We decided to try putting Anna's hair in pigtails since it is getting so long, and it turned out adorable!

Anna's face just makes me laugh, especially with her hair so fun

After having lunch and doing up Anna's hair, we thought we would take the kids to see Santa.  Zach's mom works at Von Maur, a free standing upscale department store near our house, and they had a Santa there.  Not only were there no lines, but the pictures were free.  Perfect!  So we headed over there and met up with Jawn so she could see the kids too.  

Charlie telling Santa he wants Spiderman toys for Christmas

Charlie was ecstatic about meeting Santa!  He sat right down on Santa's lap and told him all the things that he wanted for Christmas.  Charlie was just beaming.  Anna, on the other hand, was not amused.  She hated it!  She screamed and cried the entire time.  About what we expected.  

Anna was ticked!  Didn't bother Charlie though

After seeing Santa and meeting some of Jawn's co workers, we headed back to our house.  Anna was exhausted again (I think she is growing) and Charlie was full of energy.  So we put Anna down for a nap, and Zach took Charlie to open swim.  The rec center by our house has a great pool with a lazy river circle and kiddie areas.  Charlie has so much fun there.  Zach managed to thoroughly wear Charlie out while I worked on ordering Christmas presents online.

Getting to the pool with Daddy

Floating around the lazy river

They came back home and Charlie zonked out for a few hours from exhaustion while we ate dinner.  It was nice to have some quiet time.  Zach then entertained the kids while I did errands and stuff in the evening.  It was a great day!

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