Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Elf on the Shelf

Obviously behind the curve a bit, but I finally caught on to the whole the Elf on the Shelf idea recently.  It's such a cute idea!  Charlie loves the book that goes along with the stuffed elf explaining that the elf watches you every day and reports back to Santa at night.  The elf can't talk to you and you can't play with him.  He just watches and every morning will be in a new spot to check on you.  Good thing Charlie is still pretty young because only about 50% of the time does the elf actually remember to find a new hiding place at night!  Many mornings Charlie gets up, sees the elf in the same spot, and makes me go hide him somewhere new.  Maybe we will get with the program by Christmas.

Charlie and Anna finding the elf in the dining room

Charlie decided to name the elf Thomas.  Everyone with a little boy will realize that this is for Thomas the train.  So Thomas the elf watches over the kids all day.  It actually has been a great way for them (really Charlie since Anna isn't even 18 months yet) to start understanding Christmas.  Whenever Charlie asks for a toy he has seen on tv or in the Toys R Us catalogue, we explain that Thomas is watching and will let us know if we should get it for Christmas.  It is starting to click for Charlie, and he now shows all toys he likes to Thomas and asks the elf if it is okay to buy.  Funny how the elf always tells him yes!  

Anna loves walking by and pointing at Thomas elf all day

Now I'm just hoping the novelty of the elf doesn't wear off before Christmas actually gets here...

Charlie thought this was the funniest spot

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