Thursday, December 15, 2011

Making Music

Our rock stars in the making!

For Christmas, we decided to get the kids guitars.  Actually, we decided to get Charlie a guitar and quickly realized that Anna would have a total meltdown if she did not get one too.  So, we picked up a little guitar for Anna and a bigger one for Charlie to open from Santa.

Santa was here?!

Since these presents are on the larger size, we didn't want to take them down to Florida with us.  So, we put the wrapped gifts under the tree the other night and told the kids that Santa stopped by early with one present for each of them.  They were so excited!

Tearing in to their guitars

The kids ran out to the Christmas tree and were amazed to see two gifts under there.  They immediately tore into them.  Anna even managed to completely unwrap her gift by herself without any help.  She was bound and determined to get into that package!  (Note to self - no gifts under the tree before Christmas Day or they will be opened by our littlest one!)

Charlie was so excited

Anna was perplexed why hers was different than Charlie's

Anna and Charlie loved the guitars and all the noise that ensued.  Good thing we have a basement so they can take the guitars down there.  The only "mistake" we made was not buying two identical ones.  Anna quickly figured out that hers was not as cool and was not pleased.  Minor meltdown followed, but she quickly rallied and began dancing to the music.  She loves to shake her hips!


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