Wednesday, February 29, 2012

66 Degrees in February

Following quite a few brutal winters, we have lucked out with the weather so far this year.  We have only had snow twice, and neither time did it really stick.  Overall the weather has been great, especially this month.  It is hard to believe it is February when most days we have been hovering in the fifties.

Since it has been so nice out, I've tried to get the kids outside as much as I can.  The other day it hit 66 degrees, so we headed out for an hour to burn off some energy.  The kids went crazy and had a blast on the jungle gym in our backyard.  It was fun to be able to not only be outside but to be kind of warm in the middle of winter.

Our little daredevil Anna will climb right up the swing set behind Charlie with no fear.  She gives me a heart attack every time because there are so many different exits up there that it is hard to stay on top of her from the ground.  (No way I am stuffing my pregnant self up there to watch her!)  Anna does great though and just follows around Charlie.  The slide is pretty steep, but Anna just flies down it.  We have to try to be there to slow her down or she just catapults right off it.  It's funny to see how adventurous our little girl is already.  

Since last week the weather has stayed pretty good but cooled down a little.  We have actually been having a lot of wind, which makes even the fifties feel pretty chilly.  I'm not going to complain though because I am so glad we aren't having snow!

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