Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Back to the Lake

We had not been to the lake since New Years and decided it was time to check on the place, so we headed out there the weekend before last.  It was the perfect time to be down there.  The weather was fantastic all weekend.  Although it is obviously too cold to go out in the water or on the boat, it was still great for being outside.  We bundled the kids up and let them burn off energy running, hiking, kicking, etc.

The kids love to "hike" up the hill across from our place

Our neighbors were down there with their little boy Ryan, too.  It was fun for the kids to play together on Sat and Sun.  Although we spent most of the time outside, the kids had fun being indoors too since they got to play with all their toys they hadn't seen in the last six weeks.

It was kind of a short visit, but it was good to get out there.  Unfortunately we have such a busy upcoming schedule that we won't be out there again for a while.  Fortunately for Zach, the next trip will be guys only while my mom comes up to visit me in KC and help prepare for the new baby.

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