Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Valentine's Day Party

Happiest kid ever

Last week Charlie had a Valentine's Day party at his afternoon school.  Parents and siblings are invited to attend all the parties there, which is really great because that means I can take Anna with me.  She absolutely loves going to Charlie's other school and feels like she is part of the class there.


When we got there the room moms were passing out fruit, goldfish, and drinks to all the kids.  Charlie was patiently waiting to get food but got so excited to see Anna and me walk in.  His whole face lit up, and he immediately gave Anna a hug.  It was really sweet.  

What are we eating??  Anna about to dive in

The kids kept eating, and Anna helped herself to Charlie's plate, until it was game time.  Then the kids did the "Freeze Dance" dancing until the music stopped when they had to freeze.  Both Charlie and Anna thought it was a lot of fun.  I wish I had gotten video of their moves!

Dance time

Anna was shaking her hips

And Freeze!  It was so hard for them to stand still

They did some crafts after that, and then it was time to go.  Anna was so sad to leave.  She really thinks she is as big as Charlie!

But I don't want to go!

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