Saturday, February 11, 2012

iBaby Monitor

Anna playing with toys with her legs up on the crib

We just bought a new baby monitor the other day.  We have tried out all of the video monitors brands sold at Target, and none of them have been very good.  The picture quality is always terrible and there is lots of feedback on the sound.  In anticipation of Anna's move to a toddler bed and the upcoming baby, we decided we needed to find a really good video monitor to use.

Sitting up

Finally heading to sleep

Enter the iBaby.  I say it is iAmazing!  Best monitor out there by far.  I was a little skeptical of how good it would be just based on how others have performed.  However, this is an incredible monitor.  The picture quality is really clear.  The audio is crisp as well.  You can even plug a speaker into the monitor in the baby's room and talk back to the child.  Although, I'm really not sure that would ever be good!  Either they would be woken up when you forget to turn the feature off or they would go after the monitor and try to get it down.  At least that is how it would go with my kids.

She thinks it is so funny to put a blanket over her head and play peek a boo by herself

There are two parts of the monitor that are even better than what I listed above.  First, it downloads onto your iPhone or computer.  We have ours set to both mine and Zach's iPhones.  So, basically the monitor is always with us.  We can be at the movies and peek in on Anna when we get up to get a drink refill.  Zach can see her napping when he is at work.  Actually, he got on the other day to see if she was down, and he didn't see her in the crib.  So, he turned on the audio and heard me saying "Don't drink the water!"  I got a text reading "How's bath time going?"  Needless to say I was a little surprised!  The kids bathroom connects to Anna's room, and the audio feed could pick up our conversation.  Still not sure how I feel about his ability to spy on me from work...

We love watching her when she is supposed to be asleep

The other great thing is the panning feature on the iBaby.  On your iPhone you can swipe your finger across the screen and actually move the eye of the monitor in the bedroom.  So we can scope out all of Anna's room if she is up and roaming around.

Me checking out the iBaby monitor on my phone while putting her to sleep.  Love that you can take pictures from it.  Just wish they would add a video option too.

I would say this is some of the best money we have ever spent on baby gadgets!

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