Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Little Monkey Bizness

Trying to kill time before we leave

The one day of the week that neither of the kids goes to school is Friday.  We try to get together with friends every Friday so I can wear them out!  Usually we get together with my friend Meredith and her three kids that are about the ages of mine.  We have some other friends that come and join us on occasion too.

Big slide for Charlie

Anna deciding to follow Charlie right down the big slide

Most weeks we head to the local rec center to play but the other week we headed to Little Monkey Bizness.  It is about 20 min away, and is a giant room for the kids to play in.  There are tons of slides, bounce houses, climbing areas, etc.  The kids keep really busy, and there is plenty for both Charlie and Anna to do on their own.

They get so thirsty

One of the best parts is the cafe!  It is one of the few play places that allows eating and drinking in the play room.  Moms can get coffee and kids can have juice, in addition to all the snack options.  It is great being able to have a drink or some food while the kids are playing and not have to leave the room.

Anna loves the slides

Charlie went sprawling

The kids had a great time the other week, and we are planning on heading back this Friday to meet some more friends with kids the same ages.  It's a great break for me and the kiddos. 

Anna drinks a LOT during the day!

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