Sunday, February 19, 2012

This Past Month

Here is some of the stuff we have been up to lately.

Charlie and Anna love their new Lego table.  They will build on it all day, especially if Zach or I will help them make tall towers.  Anna's other obsession right now is anything to do with Mickey Mouse characters.  One of the stuffed animals will accompany her anywhere she goes. 

We also have been going to Open Gym a lot again.  It is in the same facility where Zach takes Charlie to swim in the indoor pools.  We meet up with friends there, especially our good friends the Lemons.  The kids all play so well together since their ages are all within a year of each other.  They have such a blast running after each other and playing on all the equipment.  It is a big gym that holds gymnastics classes most of the time but is open for play for all kids during certain hours.  We try to go most weeks.

Fritz's is a favorite restaurant on weekends.  Since the theme is trains, Charlie has always really liked it.  Anna is now getting into it too and thinks she is so cool when she wears one of the hats.

Here is another picture of Anna.  She let me do little pigtails in her hair.  Normally she hates bows or bands of any kind.  (Although I cannot complain too much because she loves having it brushed, even when it is really tangled.)  Since she has gotten into Mickey Mouse, though, she is starting to let me do her hair a little more because I tell her she looks like Minnie.  Anna won't wear her hair done all day, but she will at least leave the stuff in for a little bit before ripping it out.  

A few weeks ago we had our good friends the Abplanalps and the Riggins over for dinner.  The Riggins have two little boys about Charlie's age and the Abplanalps have a little boy right between Charlie and Anna.  The kids all get along great since they spend so much time together at the lake.  We pulled Charlie's red table out to the kitchen for dinner so all the kids could eat together and have their own little dinner party.  They thought they were hot stuff!

We also tried out the new Kauffman Performing Arts Center recently.  We took the kids to see a live performance of Aladdin.  It was fantastic!  The Kauffman Center was amazingly beautiful.  The performance was also spectacular.  We cannot wait to do more there.  We lucked out too because we ended up with these seats on the side of the theater in a private box.  There were a total of 10 people up there, but overall it was pretty private.  It was great because there was room for Anna to walk around a little without disturbing anybody since 90 minutes is a long time for her to sit still.

Finally, my favorite recent picture of the kids.  These are the new bath towels they got for Christmas from Uncle Jeff.  Anna is a frog and Charlie is a shark.  They run around with the towels on after baths and think they are so funny.  They look adorable!

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