Monday, February 6, 2012

Mom's Day

At the kids' morning school, the preschool grades do a Mom's Day once a year where moms can come and sit in for the morning.  Charlie had his Mom's Day a few days ago, and so I planned on being there from 9-11:30 with him.  It worked out great since he usually goes until noon, and Anna would be in school that whole time.

All the kids in Charlie's morning class

It started out with the moms getting there and the kids singing us a song.  Charlie was so proud to sing loudly, and he got a good portion of the song right!  Then the kids each stood up and announced their names and classroom "job" for the day.  Every other child mumbled their way through it because they were so shy, but Charlie was quite happy to loudly yell his name and job out for everyone to hear.  It got quite a laugh.

It was so cute listening to the kids trying to remember the song they learned

Trying to decide what project to work on

Next we did some arts and crafts.  Charlie used a bunch of heart shapes to make a silly person to hang in the classroom.  Then he wanted to snuggle in my lap and read books while other kids played.  

Making his heart person

Using scissors and glue by himself.  Getting to be a big kid

After that we had a little snack, and then we headed up to his music and movement class.  They have a teacher that works with the kids on making sure they are physically up to speed for their age.  Charlie had a blast doing all the dancing, jumping, and wiggling.  At the end we got up to dance with the kids, which they thought was so funny.

It's so hard to sit still!

Time to dance!!!

Showing off his amazing coordination.  The moms were actually stunned at how well he did on the obstacle course

At 11:30 we all headed out so the kids could eat lunch.  Luckily we live about 60 seconds away, so I headed home to grab a snack and then turned around and went back to get Charlie and Anna from school.  It was a lot of fun to see how Charlie spends his morning there and to get some alone time with him.  Charlie is really looking forward to the Dad's Night they have one evening next month where he gets to show off for Daddy.

Just hanging out with friends

So tired from all that hard work

Learning "I love you" in sign language.  Great way to end the day!

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