Thursday, February 23, 2012

Grocery Shopping

Excited to go to the grocery store
Like most moms, I find going to the grocery store easiest without kids.  However, it rarely happens that I go by myself.  Usually after picking Charlie up from his afternoon school I figure we will just swing by and hope for the best.

Overall I cannot complain about the kids.  They really do a great job for all the food, drink, toy and book temptations spread throughout the store.  However, at our closest grocery store they really like to ride in the carts with the car in the front.  I don't mind driving this behemoth around despite knocking into shelves (or an occasional person!) The problem is that with the car being ground level at the front, it is way to easy for the kids to get in and out themselves.  Since the space in there is awfully tight, the kids just keep hopping out anytime I stop to grab something.

Stuffed in the cart.  At least they were up high and could not escape

This week we ended up trying a different grocery store a little farther away.  The first time we went I found that the kid friendly carts had the sitting area back by where you push.  Excellent!  It was high up and near me.  There was no getting out!  It worked out so well that we decided to go again to that one later in the week.

Anna is obsessed with Mickey Mouse.  One of the characters goes everywhere with us

Big mistake!  All the kid friendly riding carts were in use.  I guess it was a bad idea to go right after school left out.  While walking over to where they store the regular carts the kids found the jackpot of all carts for them. This store has mini grocery carts with "customer in training" flags on the them.  Charlie and Anna could not have been more excited.

Charlie making sure Anna was keeping up

Each picked out on of the mini ones (thank goodness there were two or it would have been total meltdown) and off we went.  The kids tried so hard to stay together and follow me, but it was awfully difficult not to bump into everything and everyone that came within five feet of them.  They just careened up and down the rows.  They had so much fun and were so proud of themselves for "helping" that I couldn't get upset.

My little shoppers!
Let's just say that next time we are going around 10 am when the store is less busy because there is no way they are shopping without their personal carts again.

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