Thursday, February 16, 2012

It Snowed Again

The view from our front window

Usually by mid February we have had our fill of snow.  However, this year, this was the first KC snowfall to reach over an inch.  The kids were really excited that we had a decent amount outside.  I was less excited but can't complain since overall it has been a decent winter.
Daddy on sled duty.  The minute he started pulling Anna fell back and laid down the rest of the time

Most of the snow fell overnight on Sunday to Monday.  Monday morning when we woke up the roads were pretty covered.  It snowed off and on all day, so there was plenty on the ground when Zach got home from work for the kids to play in.

Look at that lower lip!

Showing off her new clothes.  We actually bought them months ago anticipating snow before now

This was Anna's first foray into the great whiteness!  Last time we have the little dusting she was already in bed.  At first she was less than thrilled to be stuffed into her snowsuit.  However, she quickly realized that she was getting new clothes, a new jacket, and getting to wear her favorite boots, so her mood improved considerably.

Bundled up Charlie

Cutest kids ever!

Charlie knew what was coming, so he was super excited.  Zach got out the two kid raft type thing we have to pull the kids on.  Anna was so bundled up that she just laid down in the front and hoped for the best.  She was really confused but seemed to enjoy it.  Charlie loved riding in the back.

Too many layers on for Anna to be able to sit up

Much better!

Mommy's turn to try pulling

After a bit we put Anna in the little blue seat type sled we have, and she liked that a lot.  I'm sure she was thrilled not to be stuck laying down anymore.  Zach spent a while pulling both of them, and then I took a turn for a minute.  The kids think Dad is way more fun and goes a lot faster, so my turn pulling did not last long thankfully.

The kids decided I wasn't very good.  In my defense I am pregnant!

Daddy teaching them how to make snowballs

When the kids got tired of sledding, we showed them how to make snowballs and throw them.  Charlie did great and thought it was really fun.  Anna was kind of confused and kept taking her snowballs and trying to smush them into the side of the house.  She thought she was funny, which made us laugh.

Charlie winding up to throw at the house

Anna just could not figure out what to do

After that we headed in, had dinner, then followed with a warm bath.  The best part of the night was the fact that both kids slept in the next day!

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